Business Rates in AL8 6XE

The council tax and business rates billing authority for AL8 6XE is Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council.

Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council

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We have no records of any properties subject to Council Tax in AL8 6XE

Business Rates in AL8 6XE

Address Type Rateable Value Rates Payable *
Gosling Sports Park, Stanborough Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts Leisure Centre
Sports and Leisure Centres (LA) (Dry Only) (National Scheme)
£690,000 £342,930
T-mobile (71113) Streetworks Site At Gosling Stadium, Stanborough Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts Communication Station
Communication Stations (National Scheme)
£4,350 £2,105
Car Wash At Gosling Stadium, Stanborough Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts Hand Car Wash
Car Washes (Stand Alone)
£6,000 £2,904