Canterbury City Council

Council Tax and Business Rates

Canterbury City Council is a Shire District Council in England. It contains approximately 68,260 residential properties subject to Council Tax, and approximately 5,728 commercial properties subject to Business Rates.

The most common Council Tax band in Canterbury is C, and the median Council Tax band is C.

The average (mean) Council Tax value in Canterbury is £1,877.31.

See these figures compared to other councils on our Council Tax Comparison page.

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Council Tax Bands

Band Amount Properties
Band A £1,304 7,066
Band B £1,521 13,692
Band C £1,739 20,688
Band D £1,956 13,171
Band E £2,391 7,429
Band F £2,825 3,952
Band G £3,260 2,162
Band H £3,912 100

Business Rate Stats

Number of Rateable Premises 5,728
Number of premises with rateable value greater than £10,000 1,870
Number of premises with rateable value greater than £100,000 259
Number of premises with rateable value greater than £1,000,000 10
Highest Rateable Value £3,790,000
Average Rateable Value (Mean) £23,966
Median Rateable Value £5,600
Typical Rateable Value (Mode) £600

Business Rate Multipliers

Rating Band Values Up To Multiplier
Small £18,000 48.4%
Large all higher values 49.7%

Statistical information (eg, number of properties per council tax band, average business rates) are a snapshot from the time when this data was last updated. New constuction, demolition, change of use and revaluing means that the number of properties continuously changes, and this takes time to feed through to the published data.

Although Canterbury City Council sends out the bills and collects the money, it is not responsible for the entire amount that you owe.

Council tax is levied by a variety of different bodies, including Fire authorities and Police authorities as well as the local councils. Not all of these will apply to every location, but there will usually be more than one authority which levies council tax.

Business rates are set centrally by national government, according to a formula based on the nominal rental value of a property. Local authorities have some discretion to allow Business Rate Relief under certain circumstances, but they cannot vary the basic level at which Business Rates are charged.

Postcodes in Canterbury City Council

Active geographic postcodes only. Non-geographic and "large user" codes are not listed here, as they do not have taxable addresses. For details of all postcodes in an area, see Check My Postcode.