Business Rates in NE1 4QT

The council tax and business rates billing authority for NE1 4QT is Newcastle upon Tyne City Council.

Newcastle upon Tyne City Council

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We have no records of any properties subject to Council Tax in NE1 4QT

Business Rates in NE1 4QT

Address Type Rateable Value Rates Payable *
Cityworks Cleansing Dept, Leazes Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne Warehouse
Factories, Workshops and Warehouses (Incl Bakeries and Dairies)
£16,250 £7,865
Soho 16 Leazes Park Road & Madisons & Hyena Comedy Club, Leazes Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£87,000 £43,239
Trent House 17 St. Thomas Crescent & 1-2, Leazes Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£27,000 £13,419
3, Leazes Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne Cafe (Unlicensed)
£14,500 £7,018
24, Leazes Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne Offices
Offices (Inc Computer Centres)
£6,100 £2,952
1st-3rd Flrs 38, Leazes Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne Stores
Offices (Inc Computer Centres)
£5,500 £2,662