Business Rates in NE1 5TG

The council tax and business rates billing authority for NE1 5TG is Newcastle upon Tyne City Council.

Newcastle upon Tyne City Council

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We have no records of any properties subject to Council Tax in NE1 5TG

Business Rates in NE1 5TG

Address Type Rateable Value Rates Payable *
Aspers, The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Casino
Casinos and Gambling Clubs
£720,000 £357,840
Airwave (nhu511a) At The Gate, The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Communication Station
Communication Stations (National Scheme)
£2,500 £1,210
Atm Site (bank Machine) At Aspers, The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Site Of Atm
£11,750 £5,687
Ask (unit F6), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£63,000 £31,311
Bar Bannatyne (unit G4), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£108,000 £53,676
Bar Beyond (unit G5), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£215,000 £106,855
Cafe Nino (unit F9), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£44,000 £21,868
Empire Newcastle, The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Cinema
Cinemas (National Scheme)
£600,000 £298,200
Frankie And Benny's (unit F4), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£73,000 £36,281
Indigo (unit G7), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£63,500 £31,560
Management Suite, The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Offices
Offices (Inc Computer Centres)
£16,500 £7,986
Mood (units G8-g9), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£0 £0
Nando's (unit F8), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£60,500 £30,069
Orange (tyn7073) Pico, The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Communication Station
Communication Stations (National Scheme)
£2,500 £1,210
Pizza Hut (unit F5), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£87,000 £43,239
Players Sports Bar (unit G2), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£104,000 £51,688
Sam Jacks (unit G11), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£250,000 £124,250
Tgi Friday, The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£103,000 £51,191
The Keel Row (unit G3), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£150,000 £74,550
The Spice Cube (unit F3), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£45,250 £22,489
Tiger Tiger (unit G10), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Public House
Public Houses/Pub Restaurants (National Scheme)
£390,000 £193,830
Gekko (unit 7), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£127,000 £63,119
The Gate Car Park, Stowell Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Car Park
Car Parks (Multi-Storey)
£170,000 £84,490
Za Za Bazaar (units G8-g9), The Gate, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Restaurant
£270,000 £134,190