Council Tax and Business Rates in YO23 7AL

The council tax and business rates billing authority for YO23 7AL is Selby District Council.

Selby District Council

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Council Tax in YO23 7AL

Address Band Amount *
North House Farm, Bolton Percy, York, YO23 7AL F £2,896
The Old Rectory, Bolton Percy, York, YO23 7AL H £4,010
Old Rectory Cottage, Bolton Percy, York, YO23 7AL G £3,342
Glebe Farm, Bolton Percy, York, YO23 7AL F £2,896
2 Thorn Cottage, Bolton Percy, York, YO23 7AL E £2,451
Oak House, Bolton Percy, York, YO23 7AL G £3,342
The Rooks Nest, Main Street, Bolton Percy, York, YO23 7AL G £3,342

Business Rates in YO23 7AL

Address Type Rateable Value Rates Payable *
Incubation House At Manor Farm, Bolton Percy, York Game Farm
Game Farms
£370 £179
D'oyly Tea Rooms At North House, Bolton Percy, York Cafe (Unlicensed)
£3,050 £1,476